
This section covers the steps needed to properly install the Open Data Federation


ODF has the following requirements that must be correctly installed and configured

Framework Version License
Java SE Development Kit 8.0 Oracle Binary Code License
Apache Tomcat 8.0 Apache License v.2.0
MySQL 5.7.5 Community GNU General Public License Version 2.0
RDF4J Server 2.2.1 EDL 1.0 (Eclipse Distribution License)
RDF4J Workbench 2.2.1 EDL 1.0 (Eclipse Distribution License)


ODF is based on the following software libraries and frameworks.

Framework Version Licence
Apache SOLR-Lucene (SOLR Core) 6.6.0 Apache License
Apache Http Client 4.5.2 Apache License
Apache Http Core 4.5.2 Apache License
Mysql connector (Community Release) 5.1.39 GPL 2.0 (GNU General Public License Version)
Hibernate 5.2.10.Final LGPL 2.1 (GNU Lesser General Public License)
Hikari 2.6.1 Apache License 2.0
Log4j 2.7 Apache License 2.0
CKANClient-J 1.7 AGPL 3.0 (GNU Affero General Public License)
RDF4J-Runtime 2.2.1 EDL 1.0 (Eclipse Distribution License)
AngularJS 1.5.9 MIT
Angular-UI - bootstrap-ui 0.13.3 MIT
Bootstrap 3.3.2 MIT
Bootstrap-Material 3 MIT
Smart-table 2.1.3 MIT
ngImageCrop 0.3.2 MIT
spin.js 2.3.2 MIT
angular-zeroclipboard 0.8.0 MIT
angular-xeditable 0.1.8 MIT
angular-pagination 0.11.0 MIT
Ace Editor 1.2.0 BSD
Angular-UI - ace-ui 0.2.3 MIT


The following tools should be properly installed on your computer:

Proxy configurations

In order to use the different tools behind a proxy please execute the following commands (username and password are your credential, proxyhost is the host name or the IP address of the proxy and proxyport is the TCP port of the proxy):

  • Git: open a command prompt and execute:
    $ git config --global http.proxy http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport
    $ git config --global https.proxy http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport
  • Npm: open a command prompt and execute:
    $ npm config set proxy http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport
    $ npm config set https-proxy http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport
  • Bower: change the current directory to the one that contains the “bower.json” file and create/edit the “.bowerrc” file and add the proxy configuration:

            "proxy" : "http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport",
            "https-proxy" : "http://username:password@proxyhost:proxyport"
  • Maven: edit the file “Path_Of_Maven/conf/settings.xml” and add to the “<proxies>” section the proper configuration following the example provided in the same file (please refer to maven guide

Create WAR packages

Open a command prompt and Execute the following command to clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd OpenDataFederation

In this folder you will find two subfolders:

  • FederationManager: this folder contains the server side application of the Open Data Federation
  • ODFCatalogue: this folder contains the client side application of the Open Data Federation


Move in FederationManager folder:
$ cd FederationManager
$ mvn package

Note. Execute this command in a network without proxy because of jitpack dependency.


Move in ODFCatalogue folder:
$ cd ODFCatalogue
$ cd /src/main/webapp
$ bower install
$ cd ../../..
$ mvn package