Platform Management

This section provides the description of the Administration Functionalities. Through the Open Data Catalogue a logged administrator can:

  • Manage ODMS Catalogues;
  • Manage configuration parameters;
  • Manage datalets;
  • View platform logs.

Catalogues Managements

In this page the administrator manages the Catalogues. In particular, he/she is able to:

  • Add/Edit/Delete a Catalogue
  • Add from a Remote Catalogues
  • Activate/Deactivate a Catalogue;
  • Start the synchronization of a Catalogue;
  • Download a catalogue dump or the federation dump with DCAT-AP profile

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The following pictures depicts the functionalities linked to every button or icons.

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Add/Edit/Delete a Catalogue

By clicking on the ADD button the following the Catalogue form is presented to the administrator.

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Here the administrator has to insert all of the information related to the catalogue and then click on the CREATE button.

By clicking on the edit icon on the Catalogue table, the user can edit most of the Catalogue's information. He/she cannot modify the host and type attributes.

By clicking on the delete icon on the Catalogue table, the user deletes the Catalogue and its datasets from the federation. This operation cannot be reverted.

Remote Catalogues

New Catalogues can be added to the federation using the remote catalogues list. This remote list is a catalogue repository maintained by Engineering. In the remote catalogue list an ODF administrator can find certified catalogues and by clicking on the plus icon he can insert the selected catalogue in his/her ODF instance.

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Activate/Deactivate a Catalogue

This functionality allows the administrator to manage on which catalogues the user can perform searches. Indeed, if a catalogue is active users will find its datasets during a search; if a catalogue is inactive user will not find any of its datasets during a search.

Catalogue Synchronization

By default, Catalogues are automatically synchronized from the platform taking advantage of the refresh period attribute. If an administrator will force the synchronization of a catalogue he/she would have to click on its synchronize button.

Download Dump

The administrator can download a DCAT-AP dump the Federated Open Data Catalogue. He/she can choose to download a single catalogue dump or the complete federation dump by clicking respectively on the download button in the catalogue's row of the table or on the global download button located at the bottom of the table.

Configuration Parameters Management

An administrator can modify some of the configuration parameters that control the loading of the RDF files into the LOD repository. In particular, he/she can: - Enable RDF controls: if false all RDFs will be loaded into the LOD repository, if true only the RDFs which pass the controls will be loaded, the others will be discarded; - Enable RDF max size check: this configuration parameter if true will enable the controls on RDFs size; - RDF max dimension: if the previous configuration parameter is true, this parameter will represent the size limit of an RDF in order to be loaded into the repository. RDFs whose dimension exceeded will be discarded. Moreover, the administrator will define the default catalogue's refresh period.

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The administrator can also update his/her password and he/she can manage the RDFs' prefixes through the console.

Datalets Management

Through this page, the administrator can manage all of the datalets produced by the end users.

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The administrator will check the number of views and the last time the datalets was seen by end users. The administrator will be able to delete the datalet or to see its preview.

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Platform Logs

This page will show the Logs produced by the back-end server in the GUI. The administrator will be able to query the logs in order to search for a particular event. The following figure depicts this functionality.

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