
This page shows the deployment procedure of the Open Data Federation.


These are the artefacts that must be installed in order to run ODF:

  • FederationManager.war
  • ODFCatalogue.war
  • rdf4j-workbench.war & rdf4j-sesame.war (you can get both here , into "war" folder)
  • opendata_federation.sql

Database creation

ODF relies on a MySQL database to store all the application data and collected Open Datasets.

So before deploying the application, it is necessary to create a new database, by importing in the MySQL server the provided SQL dump file:

  • opendata_federation.sql

This dump already contains the statement that creates the “opendata_federation” DB automatically. In addition it creates an administration user with the following credentials:

username: admin

password: admin

Note. To change the administrator password login in the Open Data Catalogue with the previous credentials then go to the Administration -> Manage Configurations -> Update Password section.

WARs deployment

Move all the WAR artifacts to the “webapps” folder of Tomcat installation, start it up and wait until they are deployed.

RDF repository creation

Once the Tomcat server started, go with browser to the URL “localhost:8080/rdf4j-workbench”

Note. Change the port number according to the configuration of server.xml file of Tomcat “conf” folder (default 8080)

Through the RDF4J GUI, select “new repository” on the left menu, then create a new repository of type “Native Java Store” called “ODF”.


Once all the WAR files are deployed and the server has started, modify the following configuration files, located in the deployed folders of Tomcat “webapps” folder.

  • ODFCatalogue/WEB-INF/classes/
  • FederationManager/WEB-INF/classes/
    • In file, change the following properties:
      • DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD with the actual parameters of the MySQL server installation.
      • http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.proxyUser, http.proxyPassword with the proxy parameters, leave blank if none. Change http.proxyEnabled to true if the previous proxy parameters are provided.
      • odmsDumpFilePath and dumpFilePath with the folder path where to save the DCAT-AP dump files. NOTE The path MUST end with "\" or "/".
      • sesameRepositoryName must have the same value of the newly created RDF repository.
      • enableRdf to true, in order to enable RDF retrieval, configured with the following parameters, according to the Tomcat configuration, as described in the “RDF repository creation” step:
        • sesameServerURI with the URL where to find the "repositories" endpoint of RDF4J. Example: http\\://localhost\:8080/rdf4j-server/repositories/
        • sesameEndPoint with the URL where to find the "query" endpoint. Example: http\://localhost\:8080/rdf4j-workbench/repositories/ODF/query
    • In file, change the following properties:
      • hibernate.connection.url, hibernate.connection.username, hibernate.connection.password with the actual parameters of the MySQL server installation.